The panda’s beginning comes from an old folktale.

One day, a tiger was attacking a completely white panda. The shepherdess ran to help, hitting the tiger hard over the head. The panda was so grateful it changed its fur to black and white to remember the shepherdess’s kindness.

Eastern cultures regard Panda as a symbol of peace and luck. When Panda appears, you may find your entire outlook on life becoming brighter. The Panda Spirit often works on the Heart Chakra to help you show love, including toward yourself. Panda’s mantra could well be, “Your feelings matter. Don’t dismiss them.”

If you see a panda in your dreams or in real life, it symbolizes peace, serenity, and self-awareness. Pandas are gentle creatures that remind us to enjoy the simple things in life. They also represent new beginnings and pure potential. So, if you see a panda, take it as a sign that everything will work out.